Affordable Self-Care Strategies for Everyday Wellness

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Economically nurturing your well-being is simpler than it seems. By tapping into resourceful, budget-friendly strategies, you can enhance your overall health without the hefty price tag. Discover practical ways to integrate fulfilling self-care routines into your daily life, ensuring both your mental and physical health are tended to with minimal financial stress. In this article shared via Shushan Khachatryan, we will explore several affordable approaches to self-care that are easy to adopt and beneficial for your overall wellness.

Unlock the Benefits of Ample Rest

Achieving more sleep is a cornerstone of effective self-care that costs nothing. Prioritize a consistent sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. This habit not only strengthens your circadian rhythm but also enhances mood and cognitive function. Create a bedtime ritual that includes winding down without electronic devices and keeping your bedroom environment conducive to sleep, such as by maintaining a cool temperature.

Establish a Fitness Routine at Home

You don’t need an expensive gym membership to stay active. Exercise at home using online resources that offer free workout videos catering to all fitness levels. From yoga sessions to high-intensity interval training, these resources make it easy to find a workout that fits your schedule and preferences. Additionally, consider body-weight exercises or using household items as makeshift weights to further save on costs.

Master the Art of Meditation

Meditation is a powerful tool for mental clarity and stress reduction that you can practice anywhere at no cost. Start with just a few minutes a day, focusing on your breath or a simple mantra. There are numerous free apps and online videos to guide you through different meditation techniques, helping you build a habit that fosters resilience against daily stressors.

Enjoy a Local Escape

Taking a staycation is a splendid way to break from routine without the hefty price tag of traditional travel. Explore local attractions you’ve never visited or rediscover favorite spots. Whether it’s a day at a nearby beach, hiking in a local park, or a night spent in a different part of town, a staycation can provide the refreshment you need with minimal expense.

Smart Budgeting for Self-Care

To enjoy these activities without financial worry, creating a budget is crucial. For systematic organization and management of your financial information, click here to use free budget templates available online. After selecting a template, you can customize your expense categories, set realistic budget limits, and keep track of your expenses. This structured approach to managing your finances ensures that self-care continues to bring joy and doesn’t become a financial burden.

Discover the Joy of Affordable Hobbies

Exploring new hobbies doesn’t have to be a financial strain. Consider engaging in hobbies like gardening, sketching, or writing, which require minimal initial investment yet offer substantial rewards. These activities serve as a creative outlet and also enhance your skills, providing a sense of achievement and emotional satisfaction. Additionally, immersing yourself in these hobbies can be a therapeutic escape from daily stresses.

Embrace the Practice of Yoga

Yoga is an integrative practice that combines physical postures, controlled breathing, and meditation. Begin your yoga journey by following free online classes designed for beginners. Regular practice can enhance your flexibility, boost your strength, and sharpen your mental focus. As you become more proficient, continuing your practice may require nothing more than a mat, making yoga a cost-effective method of maintaining physical and mental health. Furthermore, yoga’s adaptability allows it to fit into any lifestyle.

Effective self-care doesn’t require a lot of money. By adopting simple, affordable strategies like getting more sleep, exercising at home, and meditating, you can improve your well-being without breaking the bank. Get involved in hobbies and yoga, enjoy local getaways, and make sure to budget wisely to keep your wellness journey affordable. This comprehensive approach helps maintain your health and makes self-care a regular, enjoyable part of your daily life.

Article contributed by:

Jennifer Scott exclusively for

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Try These Innovative Approaches to Stress Management In Order To Live Your Best Life

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Managing life’s stressors can seem like a daunting task, but with the right strategies, you can take control and improve your well-being. Whether it’s work, family, or personal commitments, stress is a part of life. However, understanding how to manage it effectively is crucial. This guide, presented by Shushan Khachatryan, offers practical tips to help you navigate and reduce stress.

Discovering the Sources of Your Stress

Understanding the root cause of your stress is the first step in managing it. Take some time to reflect on what triggers your stress responses. Is it work deadlines, financial worries, or relationship issues? Once you identify these triggers, you can begin to address them directly. This clarity allows you to take actionable steps towards reducing or eliminating these stressors from your life.

The Power of Physical Activity

Engaging in regular physical activity is one of the most effective ways to combat stress. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters, helping you feel better both physically and mentally. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. This can include activities like walking, cycling, swimming, or even dancing. Not only does exercise improve your mood, but it also enhances your overall health, providing a dual benefit that supports your stress management efforts.

Safe, Alternative Stress Reduction Modalities

Along with daily exercise, alternative medicines are available to help you manage your stress levels. It’s important to talk to your doctor before beginning any new regimen to ensure you can handle it. Here are a few things to try:

  • Ashwagandha: This adaptogenic herb can help lower stress and anxiety. Consider adding this supplement to your routine for sustained benefits.
  • THCa: A non-psychoactive cannabinoid that can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. Wholesale and retail options are available for those seeking natural stress relief alternatives.
  • Aromatherapy: Essential oils like lavender, chamomile, and eucalyptus can create a calming environment. Use a diffuser or add a few drops to your bath to experience their soothing effects.
  • Yoga: Combining physical movement with breath control, yoga can significantly reduce stress. Regular practice enhances flexibility and mental clarity, promoting overall well-being.

Knowing Your Limits

It’s important to recognize your limits and not be afraid to decline additional responsibilities or commitments. Overloading yourself can lead to burnout, making it crucial to set boundaries. Saying no doesn’t mean you’re incapable; it means you’re prioritizing your well-being. Learn to delegate tasks when possible and communicate your limits clearly to others. 

Setting Achievable Goals

Breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps and setting achievable goals can prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. This approach allows you to focus on one step at a time, making large projects seem less daunting. Celebrate small victories along the way to maintain motivation. Setting realistic deadlines and goals helps you stay on track without adding unnecessary pressure.

The Benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation

Engaging in mindfulness or meditation can help you stay present and reduce anxiety. These practices involve focusing your attention on the present moment, which can help alleviate stress and promote relaxation. Even a few minutes of meditation each day can make a significant difference. Techniques such as deep breathing, guided imagery, or progressive muscle relaxation can be effective. 

Establishing a Regular Sleep Schedule

Getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night is crucial for your physical and mental health. Establish a regular sleep schedule and create a restful environment to ensure you get quality sleep. Avoid screens before bedtime, and create a calming pre-sleep routine. Consider using blackout curtains and a white noise machine to enhance your sleep quality. Adequate sleep supports your overall health and equips you better to handle daily stressors.

Managing life’s stressors requires a combination of understanding your triggers, adopting healthy habits, and using effective strategies. By identifying the sources of your stress, engaging in physical activity, exploring alternative stress reduction methods, recognizing your limits, practicing mindfulness, managing your time, ensuring adequate sleep, and setting achievable goals, you can significantly reduce stress and improve your quality of life. Implement these practices to take control of your stress and enhance your well-being.

Article contributed by:

Jennifer Scott exclusively for

Categories: Uncategorized

Triumph Through Trials: Harnessing Adversity for Personal Transformation

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In the labyrinth of life, adversity often emerges as an unexpected guide, leading us down a path of profound personal transformation. Today, Shushan Khachatryan delves into how the trials we face can become pivotal moments of growth, shaping us into more resilient, empathetic, and self-aware individuals. It’s a journey of turning challenges into stepping stones for personal development and self-discovery.

Build Resilience

Adversity acts as a forge, tempering our inner strength and compelling us to adapt to new circumstances, often in unexpected ways. This process builds resilience, the psychological muscle that enables us to rebound from setbacks with increased vigor and perspective. 

Facing difficulties is not just about survival; it’s a learning process, teaching us to thrive amidst chaos and setting a foundation for future challenges. Such resilience is invaluable in personal and professional growth, allowing us to approach future obstacles with a seasoned perspective. It fosters a mindset that views challenges as opportunities for growth, rather than insurmountable barriers.

Cultivate Self-Awareness

Challenges serve as mirrors, reflecting aspects of our character that often remain hidden in comfort. When adversity strikes, it invites us to introspect and reassess our values, beliefs, and behaviors. This journey of self-discovery reveals our strengths and areas for improvement, fostering a deeper understanding of who we are and what truly motivates us. Such self-awareness is a critical step toward holistic personal growth.

Consider Entrepreneurship

If you’ve ever thought about starting your own business, maybe now is the time! There are plenty of solopreneur ideas to help you get started, from web design to data entry, home repair, and landscaping. Choose something that you’re passionate about, then get to work on your business plan. This will serve as your roadmap, helping you to get the word out and achieve your goals.

Tap Into Empathy

Adversity doesn’t just change us; it connects us. When we face hardships, we often find solace and understanding in the experiences of others, creating a web of shared resilience. This shared journey fosters empathy, allowing us to appreciate the struggles of those around us and deepening our understanding of diverse life paths. 

Develop Coping Strategies

The trials we endure compel us to find new ways of coping. Adversity teaches us to replace unproductive behaviors with healthier alternatives. It’s in these moments of struggle that we learn to manage our emotions more effectively, leading to better overall mental health. These improved coping mechanisms become valuable tools in navigating future challenges.

Appreciate Life’s Joys

The path through hardship often leads to a heightened sense of gratitude, where overcoming difficulties makes us more appreciative of life’s small joys and victories. This experience teaches us to cultivate greater positivity, cherish the present, and find joy in simplicity, shifting our perspective to see the extraordinary in the ordinary. It turns everyday moments into sources of happiness and contentment, reminding us of the value and fragility of life. 

Choose Your Own Direction

Starting your own business after overcoming adversity can be a powerful way to turn challenges into opportunities. To get started, you’ll need to develop a solid business plan, secure funding, and choose a suitable business structure. Forming an LLC offers benefits such as liability protection and potential tax advantages, providing a strong foundation for your new venture. Instead of hiring an attorney, you can use a formation service like to register your LLC, making the process more affordable and straightforward.

Rethink Life Priorities

Adversity often serves as a catalyst for reevaluating our life’s direction. It prompts us to question our current path and priorities, leading us to make more deliberate and meaningful life choices.

This process of reassessment helps align our actions with our deepest values and goals, ensuring a more fulfilling and purposeful journey ahead. Such introspection can lead to significant life changes, from career shifts to renewed personal relationships, all stemming from a deeper understanding of what truly matters.

Adversity, while challenging, is a profound teacher. It presents us with opportunities to grow in ways we never imagined, fostering an inner strength that becomes invaluable in life’s journey. Through these trials, we not only discover but also redefine ourselves, emerging not just unscathed but enriched. Our resilience, empathy, and problem-solving skills, honed in the crucible of adversity, equip us to face the future with confidence and grace.

Shushan Khachatryan is a psychotherapist providing therapy to individuals, couples, and adolescents. She holds a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. Visit her website to learn more!

Article contributed by:

Jennifer Scott exclusively for

Categories: Uncategorized

Unlocking Your Potential: A Guide to Self-Improvement and Personal Growth

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Self-improvement is a journey that requires effort, dedication, and a willingness to change. It can be a challenging but rewarding process that leads to a happier, more fulfilling life. Today, explore some key areas of self-improvement that can help you achieve your goals and become the best version of yourself, courtesy of therapist Shushan Khachatryan.

Exercise Boosts Your Health and Reduces Stress

Making regular exercise a part of your daily routine is crucial for achieving optimal physical health, reducing stress, and regulating mood. It’s as simple as taking a walk in the park, joining a gym, or trying a new sport. Exercise helps release endorphins that reduce anxiety and stress while enhancing muscle strength, cardiovascular health, and weight management, making it essential for overall mental and physical well-being.

Healthy Eating Improves Digestion and Boosts Your Energy

Eating healthy is another crucial aspect of self-improvement. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats provides essential nutrients that are essential for optimal health. Eating a healthy diet can boost energy levels, improve digestion, and help you maintain a healthy weight. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive alcohol consumption, as these can have negative effects on your health.

Meditation Reduces Stress and Improves Focus and Well-being

Meditation is an incredibly powerful tool that can significantly reduce stress, improve concentration, and promote emotional well-being. By focusing your mind on a specific thought, object, or activity, such as breathing or chanting, meditation helps you develop a sense of inner peace, reduces anxiety, and improves overall mental health. With the flexibility to practice anywhere, anytime, and for only a few minutes, consider attending meditation classes or using guided meditation apps to help you get started and unlock your full potential.

Work with a Therapist

Working with a therapist can be a transformative step in one’s journey of self-improvement and personal growth, especially for those grappling with depression or anxiety. Therapists like Shushan Khachatryan offer professional guidance, helping individuals understand and navigate their emotions more effectively. Through tailored approaches, they provide essential tools and strategies that empower clients to manage their feelings and foster mental resilience. 

Take Up Journaling

Journaling stands as a powerful tool in the realm of self-improvement and personal growth, offering a unique blend of reflection and enhanced self-awareness. By regularly putting thoughts and feelings to paper, individuals can gain insights into their behavioral patterns and emotional triggers, leading to a deeper understanding of themselves. This practice encourages mindfulness, allowing one to process experiences and emotions constructively. Over time, journaling can foster clarity, improve decision-making, and aid in setting and achieving personal goals, making it an invaluable habit for those on a path to self-discovery and growth.

Embrace a Yoga Practice

Practicing yoga combines physical exercise with mindfulness, promoting flexibility, balance, and relaxation. Yoga involves performing poses while focusing on your breath, which can help you develop mental clarity, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. There are many different styles of yoga to try, from gentle and restorative to more challenging and vigorous practices like Ashtanga or Hot 26. Consider attending yoga classes or using videos to help you get started.

Find a New Job to Change Your Trajectory

Starting a new career can lead to personal and professional growth by learning new skills, gaining insights from experts, and facing new challenges. You can maximize your chances of success with a stellar cover letter and a polished resume that highlights your skills in the most persuasive way possible. If you need assistance putting together a great cover letter, this could help, it’s a free online resource that offers templates and insights into crafting a standout cover letter to help you get noticed. 

The journey of self-improvement demands unwavering commitment, patience, and persistence. To unlock your true potential and attain personal and professional growth, set pragmatic objectives, prioritize self-care, broaden your horizons, and seek guidance from experienced professionals. Always remember that the ultimate key to success lies in staying focused, motivated, and receptive to new experiences and seizing every opportunity for learning and self-discovery.

Article written by Jennifer Scott for

Categories: Uncategorized

From Change to Chance: Cultivating Growth in Life’s Transitions

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Life is a journey marked by a series of transitions. Some are subtle, while others are monumental, profoundly altering the course of our lives. These transitions, whether in our careers, personal lives, or internal worlds, bring with them challenges as well as opportunities for growth. Understanding how to navigate these changes effectively is crucial to not only surviving them but also to using them as catalysts for positive transformation. This guide, courtesy of psychotherapist Shushan Khachatryan, explores how you can harness life’s transitions to cultivate positive habits, encouraging growth and self-improvement during times of change.

Become Adaptable

Embracing life’s inevitable changes with an adaptable mindset is essential. This flexibility allows you to fluidly navigate through uncertainties, opening up a myriad of possibilities. It involves welcoming the unfamiliar, being eager to learn, and ready to modify your plans as new circumstances arise. Adaptability not only aids in coping with immediate changes but also lays the groundwork for long-term personal development and fulfillment.

The Power of Self-Reflection

Self-reflection is critical during life transitions. It involves contemplating your goals, values, and dreams, allowing you to align your actions with your long-term aspirations. This introspection ensures that the changes you implement are meaningful and in line with your personal growth, making life transitions significant steps in your development journey.

Seek Therapy

Navigating life’s transitions can be emotionally complex. Seeking therapy or counseling provides a safe space to explore your feelings and behaviors during these times. Therapists like Shushan Khachatryan offer insights, coping strategies, and emotional support, aiding you in managing the challenges of transitions and fostering growth and resilience.

Small Steps Toward Big Changes

Starting with small, incremental steps is key when adopting new habits during life transitions. By establishing realistic goals and methodically working towards them, you can adapt more seamlessly to changes. This gradual approach not only facilitates steady progress but also enhances the sustainability of habit formation, making it less daunting. Additionally, it allows for the celebration of small victories along the way, boosting morale and reinforcing your commitment to personal growth.

Seek New Career Challenges

Career transitions present a pivotal moment to reevaluate and recalibrate your professional trajectory. If you’re feeling unchallenged or stagnant in your current role, it may be time to venture into new professional territories. A critical initial step in this journey is crafting a compelling resume, ensuring it’s in a universally accessible format like PDF, to communicate your qualifications effectively. In this digital age, being able to convert files to other file formats with confidence is also essential, reflecting your adaptability and technical savviness. 

Cultivate a Support Network

During life’s transformative periods, the value of a strong support network cannot be overstated. Friends, family, and support groups play a crucial role in offering encouragement, motivation, and a variety of perspectives. Their presence provides not only strength and comfort but also a sense of belonging, reinforcing the idea that you are part of a community that cares and supports you. This network serves as a reminder that your journey of change and growth is shared, offering solace in knowing that you are not navigating these changes in isolation.

Life’s transitions are opportunities for personal growth and the development of positive habits. By embracing adaptability, pursuing career transformations, engaging in self-reflection, seeking therapy, taking small steps, and cultivating a support network, you can turn these periods of change into opportunities for personal reinvention. Embrace these changes with openness and resilience, allowing them to guide you toward a more fulfilling future.

Start your journey toward healing and well-being with Shushan Khachatryan. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Article written by Jennifer Scott for

Categories: Uncategorized

Mastering Inner Peace: Strategies to Prevent Anxiety Attacks

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Mastering Inner Peace: Strategies to Prevent Anxiety Attacks

In today’s fast-paced world, anxiety has become an all-too-common companion. It can strike at any time, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and stressed. However, there are effective ways to prevent anxiety attacks and regain control over your life. In this article from Shushan Khachatryan Therapy, we’ll explore key strategies to help you find inner peace and keep anxiety at bay.

The Power of Meditation

Meditation is a powerful tool for achieving inner peace. It allows you to calm your mind, reduce stress, and gain control over your thoughts and emotions. notes that by incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine, you can create a mental sanctuary that shields you from anxiety’s grip. Even dedicating just a few minutes a day to meditation can make a significant difference in your overall well-being.

Career and Anxiety: Finding Balance

Your career can either be a source of fulfillment or a trigger for anxiety. It’s essential to evaluate whether your job aligns with your values and passions. If your career is a constant source of stress, consider exploring other options. Sometimes, a change in your career path can lead to a more balanced and anxiety-free life.

Crafting a Professional Resume

When it comes to job hunting, your resume serves as your ticket to opportunities. Crafting a compelling resume is crucial to enhance your job prospects. Fortunately, there are online resources available like how-to guides and free tools that can assist you in creating a standout resume, allowing you to highlight your skills, achievements, and relevant experience, ultimately making a strong impression on potential employers.

Stress-Free Home Office Setup

With remote work becoming increasingly common, your home office environment plays a significant role in your overall well-being. Optimizing your workspace for reduced stress is essential. Maximize natural light to boost your mood and productivity. A well-organized and clutter-free workspace can have a calming effect and help you maintain your focus.

The Comfort of an Emotional Support Animal

Emotional support animals can provide therapeutic benefits for individuals dealing with anxiety. Their presence can offer comfort, companionship, and a sense of security. However, it’s essential to understand the responsibilities and considerations involved in caring for an emotional support animal, such as ensuring their well-being and legal compliance.

Taming Caffeine Consumption

Did you know that caffeine intake can exacerbate anxiety? Acknowledging the link between caffeine and anxiety is the first step toward reducing its impact on your mental well-being. Implement strategies to gradually decrease your caffeine consumption. Opt for caffeine-free alternatives or limit your intake to the morning hours to improve your sleep and reduce anxiety.

Journaling for Emotional Release

Journaling is a therapeutic practice that can help you release pent-up emotions and gain clarity. Zencare points out that by documenting your feelings and worries, you can better understand the root causes of your anxiety. Writing down your thoughts allows you to confront and process your emotions, ultimately leading to a greater sense of control over your mental state.

Seeking Support

Remember, you don’t have to navigate the journey to inner peace alone. Recognize the importance of reaching out to friends, family, or professionals when needed. It’s okay to ask for help and share your struggles. Seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network can make a significant difference in managing and preventing anxiety attacks.

In the pursuit of preventing anxiety attacks, it’s essential to remember that you hold the power to change your circumstances and mindset. By practicing meditation, considering your career choices, crafting a compelling resume, etc., you can take significant steps toward a more anxiety-free life. Remember, you are not alone on this journey, and with determination and the right strategies, inner peace can become a reality.

Shushan Khachatryan Therapy provides treatment of depression, anxiety, trauma, substance disorders, and a variety of other conditions. Contact Shushan today to learn more! (818) 926-3030

Article by:

Jennifer Scott

Categories: Uncategorized

7 Strategies for Sleep When Mourning a Loved One

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When mourning the passing of a loved one, it’s important to take care of yourself and get plenty of sleep. Scientists have demonstrated that sleep plays an important part in brain plasticity and immune function. However, grief can often disrupt your sleeping patterns. Here are a few methods to try when you can’t sleep, courtesy of Shushan Khachatryan, LMFT.

1. Don’t Fight It

Often when you’re trying to sleep and you can’t, your first response is to fight it. It’s easy to get frustrated that you aren’t sleeping, which only makes sleep even harder to come by. If you’re struggling to get to sleep or wake up in the middle of the night, just get out of bed and do something else. Don’t fight sleeplessness; just work with it. 

2. Try Something Mundane or Relaxing

Electronics can provide a source of entertainment, communication, and distraction during the grieving process. However, it’s important to turn them off at least 30 minutes before going to sleep so that your body can produce natural chemicals like melatonin, which aid in the sleep process. 

If you can’t sleep, do a relaxing activity or something that doesn’t involve much brain power. This can include a household chore, such as folding laundry, doing the dishes, or cleaning. 

3. Have a Nightly Routine

A nightly routine can send your body signals that it’s time to go to bed. A nightly routine can include de-stressing activities such as journaling, mindfulness meditation, reading a book, going for a short walk, or coloring. Start your nightly routine an hour before bed so your body can begin to accept the weariness.

4. Exercise Earlier in the Day

Self-care includes exercising regularly. Go for a run or do some exercises that help you feel good. While caffeine can sometimes provide a powerful workout boost, it’s important to remember that taking it too close to bedtime can disrupt normal sleep and adversely affect your circadian clock. If you exercise in the evening, do it no later than 8 p.m. in order to wind down effectively.

5. Eat a High-Fiber Diet

Foods that are high in fat or sugar can alter your body’s normal metabolic patterns before sleep and are a major culprit for sleep problems. The solution to this is eating a high-fiber diet that gives you plenty of healthy options. Leafy greens are always a good idea, but nuts and berries also contain a decent amount of fiber as well. Most fruits and vegetables should be sufficient, as well as whole grains.

6. Avoid Stressful Activities at Night

Stress is one of the most common issues that individuals encounter when they have problems falling asleep. Finding relaxation techniques like meditation is an important part of quieting the mind and getting sleep. There are some responsibilities that can wait until the next day. Give yourself permission to tune out the cares of the world for a little while. You’ve earned it.

7. Invest in Whatever May Help

Sometimes, you get sleep with a little help from a variety of sources. You might need a new mattress or soft, cool bedding. Take a look at your pillows, too. A lumbar pillow can be a great option for something that is decorative but also functional. You can use it like a body pillow or to prop yourself up in bed. 

Look into sleep-related tech, too. You may benefit from items such as white noise machines, sleep masks, or other new forms of sleep technology. If it’s in your budget, it’s worth looking into whatever gadgets can help you.

Care for Yourself During this Time

Sleep deprivation frequently occurs with bereavement, says Psychology Today. Because sleep is necessary for mental and physical health, it’s critical for the sufferer to find new sleep techniques and strategies. It can be a struggle, but don’t fight it, and try different methods to find what works for you. The sooner you have quality sleep, the sooner you can focus on living life in a positive and meaningful way.  

There is no quick fix for grief, but talking through your emotions and fears can help you to process your experience and perhaps even sleep a little better. Reach out to Shushan Khachatryan, LMFT to set up a session and begin your healing journey.

Author: Jennifer Scott

Categories: Uncategorized

7 Actionable Steps to Kickstart Your Journey Toward Achieving Your Goals

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Living your best life and achieving your goals can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With a few simple changes to your daily routine and mindset, you can set yourself up for success and start living the life you’ve always dreamed of. In this article, Psychotherapist Shushan Khachatryan explores some practical steps you can take right now to achieve your goals and live your best life.

Make Time for Self-Care

Self-care is an essential part of living a healthy, happy life. It involves taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. To create a self-care routine, start by thinking about activities that bring you joy and make you feel good. This could be anything from taking a relaxing bath to practicing yoga or meditation. Make time for self-care activities every day, no matter how busy you are. Even if it’s just 10-15 minutes, taking the time to care for yourself will help you feel calmer, happier, and more energized.

Don’t Scrimp on Sleep

Getting enough sleep is vital to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is during this time that our bodies repair and recharge, allowing us to function at our best throughout the day. Experts recommend aiming for around 7 hours of restful sleep per night and establishing a consistent sleep schedule to reap the benefits of a good night’s rest.

Clean Your Home, Declutter the Mind

Your home environment can have a significant impact on your mental health. Clutter and mess can cause stress and anxiety, while a clean and organized home can help you feel calm and in control. Take some time to deep clean your home, decluttering and organizing as you go. You may be surprised at how much better you feel afterward when you clean your home right.

Set SMART, New Goals

Goal-setting is an excellent way to stay focused and motivated. When setting goals, it’s important to make them SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example, instead of saying, “I want to lose weight,” set a SMART goal such as “I want to lose 10 pounds in the next three months by going to the gym four times a week and eating a balanced diet.”

Recognize Burnout to Fight It

Burnout is a common occurrence in today’s fast-paced world, especially for those who are striving to achieve their dreams. However, recognizing the warning signs of burnout is crucial, including feelings of exhaustion, irritability, and unproductivity. It’s important to take a break when you notice these signs and engage in self-care activities to recharge and prevent burnout from interfering with your goals.

Reinvent Yourself With Education

Education is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals and boost your earning potential. Going back to school for an online degree in a field you’re passionate about can open up new opportunities and help you progress in your career. Check it out for more info and take the first step towards achieving your goals.

Pursue a New, More Fulfilling Career

Feeling stuck in a job can be incredibly frustrating and demotivating. If you’re in this position, it may be time to consider a change. Take the time to explore fields that interest you and align with your values and strengths to find a fulfilling job that can make a significant difference in your overall happiness and well-being.

In conclusion, living a fulfilling life doesn’t have to be complicated. Prioritizing self-care, improving your mental health through activities such as deep cleaning your home, or pursuing an online degree to enhance your earning potential can help you achieve your goals and live the life you’ve always desired. Remember that it’s never too late to start, so take small steps, stay focused, and keep pushing toward your goals.

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Author: Jennifer Scott for Shushan Khachatryan, LMFT

Categories: Uncategorized

How to Positively Cope With Midlife Crisis

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When a midlife crisis hits you, you may feel frustrated and insecure. A midlife crisis might be caused by various factors, such as changes in your career, relationships, family structure, and doubt about your life’s meaning. But, midlife doesn’t have to be a stressful stage in your life. You can sidestep it and experience peace with just a bit of positivity and inspiration. Read on to learn how to face your midlife crisis with positivity in Woodland Hills.

Focus on Self-Care

Simple things, such as lack of self-care, can ultimately lead to a midlife crisis. Consider taking good care of yourself every day. This can include eating healthily, exercising, meditating, having fun, spending more time outdoors, and getting enough sleep. Practicing these habits can reduce stress and improve general health, allowing you to focus on things that matter in your life. 

You may also find equipment and products in Woodland Hills to make your life easier. For example, you can invest in workout equipment, highly rated kitchen gadgets, and other health-focused products to help you live a healthy life. However, as you buy these products, thoroughly research and check product reviews from unbiased sources. 

Search for Your Passion

Sometimes, your midlife crisis may be due to a lack of direction or purpose. It can be helpful to re-examine your life choices and contemplate dreams and passions you gave up along the way. For example, if you love traveling, take this time to find and visit amazing places in and beyond Woodland Hills.

Find Your Independence

Most people tend to conform to the world’s pressures, such as getting married and finding a job to earn a living. If you feel your current path isn’t working for you, consider making major life changes. Perhaps a career change would help. You can even consider starting your own business to gain autonomy and focus on things you’re passionate about. 

On the other hand, you might want to go back to school to earn a degree in something you’re interested in. Fortunately, in Woodland Hills, you can find universities where you can study part-time. Alternatively, consider an online course to ensure you can still work and have time for your family. Be sure to find an accredited school that offers competitive tuition rates. 

Reconnect With Friends and Family Members

When going through a midlife crisis, surround yourself with friends and family members who care about you. They can be your support system when you have no courage or

strength to keep moving. You may find that some are going through the same experience, allowing you to share and learn from each other. Learning that midlife crisis is common can help you internalize the idea, helping you face it with positivity. 

Need More Help?

Midlife doesn’t have to be frustrating if you follow the tips above. However, if you feel overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to contact a therapist to help you cope with these challenges. If you’re in and around LA and Ventura County,  contact Shushan Khachatryan, a skilled and experienced psychotherapist, to help you through this challenging time. 

Article written by Jennifer Scott for

Categories: Uncategorized

Grief and Loss for Seniors: The Warning Signs of Substance Abuse

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Photo by carolynabooth via Pixabay

When seniors experience the loss of a spouse, the grief can be debilitating. Their life’s companion, the person they made life-changing decisions with, the person by their side for better or worse, is gone. Some clinicians believe that we move through stages of grief—denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. However, if an elderly widow or widower becomes too ingrained in one of those stages, the grief can turn into something much more serious.

What grief looks like

Grief with seniors comes in many forms. When dealing with the death of a spouse, seniors may experience:

  • Inability to make decisions
  • Loss of energy and appetite
  • Painful longing for their partner
  • Anger or guilt at being left behind
  • Withdrawal from social activities
  • Bouts of depression or disorientation

How to help

Whether or not a grieving senior reaches out for help, you can watch for these signs and offer gentle support. Be a polite but persistent presence. Be sure to acknowledge their feelings. When they are ready and open, share your own memories and encourage them to share theirs. Be a good listener. Let them talk, or sit with them in silence. They may likely be confused, sad, angry and guilty; let them vocalize these feelings in a safe space, with no feelings of judgement. 

Be proactive. Talk with the grieving senior about the practical assistance you can give. Offer to help them with chores around the house, paying bills, maintaining vehicles, and getting exercise and socializing. This way not only can you help reduce their stress during a difficult time, but you can always watch for the warning signs that they might be plummeting deeper into their grief.

One easy way to get a grieving senior out of their grief is by helping them connect with others. Reaching out to former classmates is a great way to help break through the dark fog of mourning.

Issues can arise

It’s not uncommon for grieving spouses to rely on advice from others to cope with their loss. However, sometimes when people are dealing with deep emptiness and loss, they turn to substances to numb the pain. This is especially dangerous for seniors, many of whom are on medications that might have adverse complications with drugs and alcohol.

Sometimes seniors view reaching out for help as a sign of weakness or as a burden to their families. When dealing with the darkness alone, they might turn to the comfort of prescription medications or alcohol. Studies show people over 65 tend to be generously prescribed medications for blood pressure, pain, anxiety and depression. If an elderly widow or widower is prescribed these medications, he or she may start increasing the dose or frequency to help calm nerves and emotions. 

On the other hand, these medications can also be much stronger if taken with or on alcohol. Have you noticed the surviving senior drinking more than usual? Have you noticed overt or subtle signs of intoxication more frequently than you’d like? This could be a sign that the surviving senior spouse might be succumbing to the grip of substance abuse

It might be tempting to ignore these signs, even for a little while. You may think that a little extra help during this tough time isn’t so bad. It might be so hard to watch them go through the grief that you might even think they deserve a little escape. This can be a slippery slope. 

When a senior suffers loss, they may exhibit behaviors that are out of the norm. Be patient and understanding, but also be observant to their triggers and coping mechanisms. Keep watch for activities that might cause a downward spiral. 

Paying attention—that’s the best way to help an elderly person who is suffering from the loss of a loved one. Be present, be attentive, and be supportive. That way you can recognize the signs of a healthy healing process or when something more dangerous is going on. Encourage them to see their doctor or speak to a trusted advisor for counseling.

This article is brought to you by Shushan Khachatryan, a psychotherapist providing therapy to individuals, couples, and adolescents. Shushan’s goal is to assist you in your journey of working towards your potential and improving your well-being. For more information, contact her today at (818) 926-3030.

Author: Jennifer Scott

Categories: Uncategorized