Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving, a widely celebrated day dedicated to acknowledging the goodness in our lives.
We stop to reflect on things and people we are thankful for. Being thankful is strongly linked with both mental and physical health. Thankfullnes can help relieve stress, depression and addictions, among other conditions. Various studies link counting one’s blessings to health. The simple act of expressing gratitude on a consistent basis has been shown to positively impact key areas in a person’s life. These areas include: relationships and connectedness, emotional well-being, and better physical and psychological health. Better psychological health means that people are more likely to engage in health-promoting activities and to seek medical help when it needed. Of course, it’s possible that mentally healthier people feel that they have more to be grateful for, which may explain some of their extra thankfulness.
Those who are struggling with mental health issues may find it difficult to find positivity in their lives.
The reality of Thanksgiving for some Americans is filled with family tension, arguments, sorrow and loss. Others face the stress of hosting, or the dread of being asked questions about their lives that they are not ready to answer. In a recent online poll conducted by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Read More